October 28, 2021
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Reset Digital CEO Charles Cantu has reached out to NABOB to offer our member stations an opportunity to receive digital ad buys in a multi-million-dollar campaign.
P&G has entered into a historic and transformative strategic alliance and partnership with Reset Digital for its future digital campaigns. The initial campaign will run in November and December. Therefore, it is critical that stations get connected with Reset Digital as soon as possible to be included in the ad buy.
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Missed the Zoom call on Tuesday, October 26th?
Click here to view the recording
Passcode: ED?NM08%
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During the Zoom call, Charles Cantu and his team provided more details about the ad campaign and explained what NABOB member stations need to do to be included in the buy as well as future campaigns.
If your station needs technical assistance in positioning for a digital buy, Reset Digital has created a subsidiary REIGN with an operations team available that can guide you through your gratis setup/onboarding process [at no cost to your station].
Please feel free to contact NABOB with any questions on this campaign.